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Code of Conduct

Tuesday, September 5

Purpose of the Code
The purpose of the Savage Boys and Girls Club (SBGC) is to provide children of our community with an opportunity to participate in sports programs, while promoting the values of good sportsmanship, cooperation, teamwork and fair play. Reasonable rules regarding behavior are necessary for a harmonious community. This code identifies standards of conduct needed to support the objectives of the club and to protect each player’s right to a safe, positive environment for growth and development.

Application and Scope of the Code

This code applies to all members of the SBGC community including officers and directors, sport commissioners, coaches, players, parents and spectators of SBGC-sponsored activities. This code is applicable to all travel players participating in sporting activities under the name of Savage Boys and Girls Club as well as the coaches and spectators that accompany the respective team.

Implementation of the Code

The implementation of the Code is the responsibility of the officers and directors of the Savage Boys and Girls Club.

All members of the Savage Boys and Girls Club (SBGC) are expected to:

  • Respect the rights and property of others,
  • Be courteous,
  • Speak appropriately,
  • Dress appropriately,
  • Promote a positive, safe and healthy environment,
  • Seek positive alternatives to verbal and physical conflicts, and
  • Support the organization, its programs, and its teams
Any officer, director, sport commissioner or coach may take action when a member is involved in a situation that violates this Code. When determining the consequences, they may take the following into consideration:
  • The severity of the incident,
  • The member’s previous violations and /or the consequences for the same or related offense, and
  • Any specific consequences articulated by the Club
Acts and behaviors strictly prohibited under this Code include:
  • Possession, concealed or visible, of a gun, knife, or any object capable of causing harm or used in such a way as to cause harm to another, concealed or visible,
  • Theft and/or destruction of Howard County Public School System, Howard County Recreation and Parks and/or SBGC property and equipment,
  • The use of tobacco products, drugs, and/or alcohol by players, coaches, parents and spectators on or around any field, gym or practice area
  • Assault, verbal or physical, or threats thereof
  • Use of profanity
  • Littering or other misuse of property
  • Other inappropriate behaviors
The consequences for violations of this Code include:

  • Field Ejection – A player, coach or spectator is required to leave the playing area and prevented to further communicate with the team while the game is in play.
  • Field Suspension – A player, coach or spectator is required to refrain from attending SBGC-sponsored activities for a specified period of time.
  • Program Ban – A player, coach or spectator is required to refrain from attending SBGC-sponsored activities indefinitely. This consequence may be applied on a sport-by-sport basis.
Any action may be appealed to the Executive Committee of the SBGC Board of Directors.

If property is damaged or destroyed, disciplinary action may include restitution to party (ies) harmed. In all cases, a written and /or public apology may be required by the club as a condition for reinstatement.

Savage Boys & Girls Club

P.O. Box 1003 
Savage, Maryland 20763
Email : [email protected]
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