The Recreational Basketball program provides an opportunity for youth to develop fundamental basketball skills and learn important life skills such as how to participate as part of a team and communicate with your peers. The practices and games are designed to improve skills and create a fun, learning environment for the players. Teams are formed for the following age groups: Coed 7-8, Boys 9-10, Boys 11-12, Boys 13-14, Boys 15-18, Girls 9-11, and Girls 12-14 (age brackets depend on the number of teams formed).
Official Basketball Ages:
The age cutoff date for basketball is January 1st of the given season.
Examples: A player who turns 13 prior to January 1st of a given season is considered to have an official age of 13 for that season. Such a player would need to register for SBGC's 13-14 in-house division or play for a 13-year-old travel team, unless consent to do otherwise was granted.
In contrast, a player who turns thirteen on or after January 1st of a given season is considered to be 12 for that season. Such a player would need to register for SBGC's 11-12 in-house division or play for a 12-year-old travel team, unless consent to do otherwise was granted.
High School Seniors who turn 18 prior to January 1st of a given season are eligible to play in our recreational league. Proof of High School enrollment may be requested.